DEMISE: Ascension and Rise of the Ku'tan
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Decklin's Domain™


DEMISE:Ascension help files may be viewed here.

In this section you can find the answer to your Demise problem, whatever it may be ...

You can always purchase Demise and update your copy here or find if any patches might be available.

If what you're looking for is not listed, Decklin's Domain archives are still active and the Demise Forums are a great resource!

If you are unable to find a solution to your problem in the DEMISE forums, 
please feel free to Email the DEMISE support team at

Information on DEMISE Vol II: Ascension ( Pre-Release as of March 2013 ) ...

DEMISE: Ascension 'includes' DEMISE Vol I: Rise of the Ku'Tan in its entirety.

Ascension offers a character importer which will allow 12 DEMISE characters to be imported from an original demo, gold or download game.

Platforms include Win2000, Win2003 server, WinXP, Vista, Win7 and Win8*

* Win8 64bit full screen mode will NOT display the dungeon. This is a Microsoft issue !!!

Default locations:
32 bit Operating Systems ~
C: \\ Program Files \ Decklin's Domain \ Ascension \
64 bit Operating Systems ~
C: \\ Program Files (x86) \ Decklin's Domain \ Ascension \

Character files and other data files from earlier versions are no longer compatible, so the only method of transferring characters is the additional importer which may be found in the "Create Character" page from the main menu.

Installation and unlocking the game is a two-step process:
When the installer is run it does NOT require an internet connection NOR does Ascension use " .NET " ... but it will ask for your valid email address ( we recommend the one you use to access the My Demise page and forums ) and your "Legacy" DEMISE key which is in the format ABC-1234567890-WXYZ .   During the Open BETA and the current Pre-Release phase these entries are not checked BUT if they are incorrect, the release upgrade may not work so take care to make sure of your entries!

Once the game is installed, when you run it for the first time it will show a dialog box asking for the unique Ascension username and key-code that you have been provided in addition to the 'legacy' key.  On a given installation you will only need to enter this once.

Issues with VISTA and Win7:
The Ascension installer is set up to mark the three Ascension executable files as "WinXPsp2 or WinXPsp3" compatible and "Run As Administrator" BUT there are so many possibilities and differences between individual installations that these flags may be prevented from being correctly set.  It is advisable therefore, before running the game and after installation, to use Windows Explorer and navigate to the game root directory.  Take each executable file in turn, right-click, select Properties - Compatibility Tab and make absolutely sure that all are properly set - we strongly recommend these settings be "For All Users" by the way.

If you have problems - DO NOT uninstall / re-install / mess with the registry - DO PLEASE visit the forums and/or email !!!


Information on the Artifact Entertainment "Demo" and "Gold Release" versions ...

The demo default location is C: \\ Program Files \ Artifact Entertainment \Demise \

The character file is ...
C: \\ Program Files \ Artifact Entertainment \ Demise \ System \ Demise \ DEMISECharacters.DED

When you install the Gold Release it is defaulted to over-write the DEMO in the same structure and it will preserve your characters, their items and banked money and items - nothing else!  If you want to keep your demo you can change the root directory name provided you also change the shortcuts appropriately ... as an example ...
C: \\ Program Files \ Artifact Entertainment \ Demise Demo \ ... would work.

Don't forget to change the shortcut NAMES, targets and working directory information as well !!!

When the Gold Release installs it will load in the default and set up its own shortcuts.  If you want to transfer your characters there is only ONE opportunity ... AFTER installing but BEFORE running the new game for the first time, copy DEMISECharacters.DED into the appropriate directory in the new game.  Do NOT mess with any other data files, you risk the game halting and giving you a message about hacking :-)

The original game is the hardest - the dungeon does NOT have the TeaRoom which makes the game easier!  It also requires the CD be in the drive to play it.

For the 'English' version there are ONLY three patches that can be applied which bring it to Build 353 
This adds the TeaRoom ( the dungeon layout is identical to the Pharaoh Productions version ) and removes the need to keep the CD in the drive.

Pharaoh Productions versions ...

Originally intended as a download only version of the game there were three versions, these have all been replaced by the Decklin's Domain Demise: Ascension version 1.06, although the 1.01 to 1.03 patch is still available..

The default location is ...
C: \\ Program Files \ Pharaoh Productions \ Demise

The character file is ...
C: \\ Program Files \ Pharaoh Productions \ Demise \ System \ Demise \ DEMISECharacters.DED

SAME CAUTIONS AS ABOVE ... If you want to transfer your character file it must be done AFTER installing the new game but BEFORE running it for the first time !!!  The demo OR version 1.00 character files may be brought in this way.  NOTE you cannot go back !!

All Pharaoh Productions versions require that you be ONLINE when the installer is running AND that you have Microsoft .NET on your machine.